
“I was out to a restaurant on my late step daughter’s birthday who passed away in 2013 from leukemia at the age of 10.  In her honor I did a random act of kindness and paid for the people next to us eating dinner.  The waitress then gave me one of your cards.  Such an awesome project! Love it!”

“I received a You Are Loved card when I helped someone find minced garlic in the grocery store.  I was taken aback and it made me feel so wonderful that I want to do the same to others.  One stranger helping another.  The way it should be, but not found often in this world.”

“My daughter almost passed from depression 3 weeks ago and the day it happened I was handed “you are loved” it seriously impacted me it was just what I needed!! “

“I […] ordered a few cards, gave them away and often received beautiful responses from people who were touched by the energy of love connected to these cards. Often they seem to arrive at the exact right moment; someone who struggled with self doubt received the card with the text ‘you are beautiful’; someone who was feeling very alone was deeply touched by the text ‘you are loved’. I received a lot of hugs and gratitude and the meaning of ‘giving=receiving’ became palpable in this to me. Sometimes I just left a card somewhere, trusting that the person who was in need of it would find it. […] The power generated by giving is enormous.”

“I was given this card… “you are thoughtful” by a family friend…and I was taken aback by it… it’s hard to realize the good in yourself without people reminding you of it, and this card did just that… it gives you hope, it was breath of fresh air.”

“Muchas gracias por su obsequio.  Recibi mis tarjetas con mucho cariño.  Éxito gran iniciativa!”

“I received a card from one of my yoga students. I was so touched, I cannot wait to share your intention with others. Changing lives one at a time…”

“I received a card as part of a tip at work.  I’m a waitress and I was having a bad day. It lifted my spirits and is a permanent addition to my order book.”

“I came out of work after a long busy day at a grocery market dealing with rude people all day long and I put my wipers on and realized something was on my car and I got out to get it and it said I was loved pass it on it made me awwwwwww I needed that after a long day I want to pass it on and make someone else’s day that amazing”

“A friend gave me a “You are loved” card at just the right moment. It made a huge difference to me and now I want to give them to people in my church, to my students and to people who I encounter in passing day to day and who seem like they need a lift.”

“We live in a community wrought with drugs, prostitution, poverty, mental illness, suicide, and loneliness. […] We’re only a small group of people but we’re determined to change this community for the better. Thank you for helping us achieve that goal!”

“Thank you for doing this. I’m in the UK and we definitely need these messages – our society is falling apart. I hope I can spread a little positivity with these cards.”

“This is my third time re-ordering and loving the experience of passing these wonderful cards out!!!!”

“This is such a beautiful project in a time when there is so much anger and separation between people. Thank you!”

“In this world of negativity, this a rainbow.”

“There’s been so much judgement and hate recently, and this is definitely a way to promote positivity and bring communities together.  Can’t wait to hand them out to people who need a smile.  Thanks so much!!”

“From the moment that I was handed a ‘you are loved’ card from my friend a few years ago I immediately ordered some for myself so that I was able to pass on that incredible feeling that she had given me. To secretly hand these out to people is liberating and fulfilling and I am so grateful for what you have started with these! ”

“Thanks for the ‘Pass It On’ cards.  They are fabulous!  I enjoyed passing them on day to day in ordinary and extraordinary situations and places with family, friends, and strangers.  Thanks for sharing and spreading joy!”

“I received a you are loved card on a day that changed my life forever. This card gave me hope! You are beautiful for making these cards available.”

“I received a card from one of my staff. She in turn received it from a participant in our peer support program, who in turn received it from a participant in our drug and alcohol program. I work at a mental health clinic and these are so inspiring.”

“I work with teen and early 20 something girls and guys on empowerment. We explore beauty, fashion and health. I am excited to share these beautiful cards with the people I come in contact with.”

“Thank you for making this project! I work at a comic book store and a customer handed one of these cards to me which made my day. I would love to have these on hand and give them to the many people I see through my days here that could definitely use the encouragement and would appreciate something so positive handed to them.”

“I am working with a variety of kids of different ages and think these cards would be amazing to get to distribute to them, especially those affected by Bullying.”

“We own a small family farm that sells goat milk. A customer of two years left a “you are loved” card just before she moved out of state expressing [her] appreciation.”

“I think this is such a great way to spread positive energy into the world. When I received this card it truly made my day.”